Rais Case strives for deeper connection to materials, a deeper connection with Mother Earth, and a deeper connection ultimately to ourselves. When we secured sourcing with PIÑATEX®, a leather alternative made from pineapple leaf fibers that is vegan, cruelty free and sustainable, our hearts skipped a beat in excitement.
PIÑATEX® is tough, breathable and water resistant. The long fibres are extracted through a process called decortication, which is done at the plantation by the farming community. Ananas Anam has developed the first automated decorticating machine to assist with this process, allowing farmers to utilize greater quantities of their waste leaves. Once the leaves have been stripped of fibre the leftover biomass can be used as a nutrient-rich natural fertiliser or a biofuel, so nothing is wasted. This material has low environmental impact, high social responsibility, and we feel is an excellent choice for the future.
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